It's not a monkey. cant stress that enough. It's related to the racoon, not the monkey. Even though it has a prehensile tail like a monkey, lives in the jungle like a monkey(central and south america), can turn its feet backwards like a monkey, and hollers like a monkey, it's not a monkey
it's a kinkajou! and it has a lonnng tongue(lady-pleaser, just like the sun bear) and it likes to eat a shit ton of fruit, at night.
and good news, you can totally get one as a pet - but theyre screamers so dont piss it off; they like to be left alone with their fruit.
gotta love real-life creatures that look kinda like pokemon.
Crappy stock photo from google but look... its massive; the largest bony fish in the oceans. It can grow up to 11 feet in length (thats horizontally) and weight over 5,000 lbs.
They're called Sunfish because theyre often found floating on the surface of the water, basking in the sun's rays. They have huge dorsal fins that stick out of the water and make them look like sharks.
Sunfish snack on jellyfish and zooplankton, and let little fish snack on them... rather, their skin parasites. ew.
Divers in tropical oceans all over the world have discovered that these massive fishies have no fear of humans; they will often swim right up to a diver. cute
what do you get when you put your bunneh in the dryer? Angora Rabbits!
These rabbits are bred for their long, soft hair which is made into angora wool which is made into over-priced sweaters. The fur grows very fast; they have to be shorn every three to four months throughout the year to prevent wool block (a nasty condition where their hair clogs their innards. gross.)
They were popular pets for French royalty in the 1700's. Friendly and playful, Angoras will make friends with other mild-mannered house pets.
fish are cool. dragons are cool. leafy sea dragons are cool.
their skin, which gives them the appearance of floating sea weed, can change colour depending on their diet, age or stress level to enhance their camouflage
one of the biggest threats to leafy sea dragons are storms. they can't curl their tails (like their cousin, the sea horse) to hold onto sea weed and so often get washed ashore in rough water
while they dont have teeth, leafy sea dragons munch on plankton, shrimp, and small fish and scuba diver fucks
they're highly protected by Australian law but can be obtained by exotic fish fanatics... happy hunting!
this wee bear, the smallest in the urisade family (thats, bear family) comes from the rainforests of southeast asia. They're wicked-fast climbers and use their massive tongues for honey extraction and lady-pleasing.
Poor eyesight, sick sense of smell. And they eat lizards.
They're called sun bears because of the yellow necklace of fur around their necks.. some hippie named them, i dunno.